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Nine Cats and Nine Lives - DVD

Elizabeth Clare Prophet follows the paths of seven public figures through their own karma, giving you a profound understanding of the exactness of karma.

Book of Revelation & Prophecies on 2012 Presentations - DVD (Harvest 2011)

Book of Revelation & Prophecies on 2012 Presentations from Harvest 2011.

Astrea's Circle and Sword Visualizations - DVD

Animated spiritual visualizations of Elohim Astrea's Circle and Sword over 12 regions of the Earth, 5 minutes each. Audio track of decree 10.14 72x.

Child's Rosaries to Mother Mary Visualizations - DVD

DVD with four Child's Rosaries led by Elizabeth Clare Prophet with animated spiritual visualizations of Mother Mary.

Freedom through the Sword of Truth - DVD/MP3

Two dictations by Pallas Athena (DVD) and a two hour decree service (MP3) to the Flame of Truth. Decree speed: intermediate.

The Making of a Montessori Teacher - DVD

Gain insights into applying the Montessori method from Dr. Elisabeth Caspari, friend and student of Maria Montessori, and Mary Ellen Maunz, master teacher.

Life Begets Life #2 - DVD, The Continuity of the Soul

Elizabeth Clare Prophets addresses the erroneous beliefs regarding abortion, the abortion of the divine plan of a soul and the worthiness of life, regardless of how challenging it might be.

Karma and Reincarnation: The Missing Link in Christianity - DVD

Elizabeth Clare Prophet reveals where Jesus affirmed the law of karma and reincarnation taught in the Old Testament. The Lost Teachings of Jesus series.

Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil - DVD

Elizabeth Clare Prophet shows where the Church, aligned with fallen angels, created a logic and theology to deny that angels could incarnate. 2 DVD Set

The Evolution of Life, Darshan 3 - DVD

Darshan #3 Elizabeth Clare Prophet teaching on the evolution of life from The Masters and the Path by C.W. Leadbeater.