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Thirty-Three Manifestations of Kuan Yin - DVDs/CD

Use these mantras to Kuan Yin for spiritual healing, transmuting troublesome habits, and resolving personal and planetary problems. 3 DVDs plus bonus CD.

Violet Flame Visualizations for World Change Vol. 1 - DVD

Violet flame visualizations and decrees with Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Intermediate pace - or mute the audio to meditate and decree at your own pace.

Soul Mates and Twin Flames - CD

An audio abridgement of the pocket guide Soul Mates and Twin Flames on 2 CDs. A new look at love, karma and relationships.

Creative Abundance - Audio Book

An abridged audio book of the Creative Abundance pocket guide. Step-by-step techniques including treasure mapping, visualizations and affirmations.

Buddhic Essence - Ten Stages to Becoming a Buddha (Mystical Paths series)

Elizabeth Clare Prophet gently traces upon the heart the pathway that can lead to Buddhahood. This is the second book in the her Mystical Paths series.
$12.95 $3.24

Saint Germain by Sindelar

Image of Saint Germain as he appeared to Charles Sindelar in the 1930s. Printed on Fuji Crystal Archive Paper, which can hold the color for over 60 years.
From $7.95

Buddhic Essence: Ten Stages to Becoming a Buddha - DVD (Mystical Paths series)

Elizabeth Clare Prophet lectures on the ten stages of becoming the Buddha and what it means to be a bodhisattva. Mystical Paths of the World's Religions

Decrees and Songs to Archangel Michael - CD

Decrees and Songs to Archangel Michael and the guardian angels of the blue ray. Booklet included. Pace Intermediate+

Archangel Michael's Rosary - CD - Slow Pace

Offer this rosary to gain the armor and shield of Archangel Michael and his aid in saving our world in this time of personal and planetary trouble.

Twin Flames in Love - DVD

Teachings on Twin Flames with a lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet and a dictation by Gautama Buddha.

Lost Teachings on Finding God Within -# 4 Paperback

The Lost Teachings of Jesus Series: How to contact your inner source and access your unlimited potential. Put the teachings of Jesus into action!

Save the World with Violet Flame! #1 - CDs

Violet flame decrees and songs to Saint Germain and the Elohim of the 7th Ray - transform your world! Slower pace. 2 CDs.