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God's Abundance in Your Hands Visualizations - DVD

Visualizations and decrees for abundance with Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Intermediate pace - or mute the audio to meditate and decree at your own pace.

Finding a Higher Love: A Spiritual Guide

Elizabeth Clare Prophet gives a spiritual approach to love, sexuality, and relationships. Relationships, however challenging, are opportunities for growth.
$14.95 $3.74

Human Aura by Kuthumi and Djwal Kul

The Human Aura deluxe edition by Kuthumi and Djwal Kul includes meditations, visualizations, affirmations and 25 color illustrations of auras and chakras.

Angels, Prayers and Devotions - MP3

Join Elizabeth Clare Prophet in giving heartfelt decrees, songs and meditations to the seven archangels. Devotional pace. Total time: 6 hr. 7 min.

Class of the Archangels - DVDs/MP3 (New Year's 1980-81)

New Year's Conference 1980-1981 album. Contains 5 DVDs and 1 MP3. Total time 27 hr. 17 min.

The Path of Personal Christhood - DVD

Elizabeth Clare Prophet on a joyous path to overcoming limitation and affirming your divine nature following in Jesus’ footsteps. Pursue your Christhood!

Talk with Angels

With stories, examples and spiritual insights, Talk with Angels shows you how to forge life-changing, personal relationships with these transcendent beings.
$19.95 $4.99

Teachings Ascended Masters Intro Brochure 2023 - 25 pk

A concise way to introduce people to the Teachings of the Ascended Masters, Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, and the Summit Lighthouse.

Violet Flame Visualizations for World Change Vol. 2 - DVD

Violet flame visualizations and decrees with Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Beginner pace - or mute the audio to meditate and decree at your own pace.

Only Mark Box Set #2 - MP3 - Mark Prophet

475 dictations delivered through Mark Prophet from 1958 thru 1973. 15 MP3 Audio CDs.

Initiation and the One Initiator, Darshan 11 - DVD

Darshan #11 Elizabeth Clare Prophet teaching on initiation from The Masters and the Path, by C. W. Leadbeater.

Instrucción religiosa para la Primera Comunión

El paquete de la Primera Sagrada Comunión incluye un repaso del programo, la instrucción para la enseñanza con 12 lecciones interactivas y divertidas.