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El Continente Perdido de Mu

Las aguas del Océano Pacífico arrollaron un gran continente de aproximadamente seis mil millas de norte a sur. Era Mu, la Tierra Original, una extraordinaria cultura perdida que fue el centro de la civilización hace más de 25000 años.

The Word - Volume 6

Jesus Christ never stopped speaking to his own - his message did not end with the Book of Revelation. The Word Volume 6 is the mystical revelations of Jesus Christ to Elizabeth Clare Prophet covering the years 1985-1988.

The Class of the Golden Cycle

The Class of the Golden Cycle contains all 11 dictations from the Harvest 1991 conference plus the 7 dictations from the 33rd Anniversary of The Summit Lighthouse.

The Class of the Golden Cycle - DVD/MP3 (Harvest 1991)

This DVD album contains all 11 dictations from the Harvest 1991 conference The Class of the Golden Cycle plus lectures on reincarnation and Christianity plus history of Rai Ernon.

10,001, Handbook for Soul Survival

10,001, Handbook for Soul Survival blows the cover on the strategies and plans of the forces of darkness. They have a plan for's called Armageddon.

Reality of Your Ascension - DVD/MP3

The landmark August 1979 seminar A Retreat on the Ascension with all the dictations and lectures. Meet Serapis Bey and gain those keys from the ascended masters to accelerate you on your ascension pathway.

Reality of Your Ascension (book)

The landmark A Retreat on the Ascension seminar is now available for your in-depth study of light with the ascended masters’ wise counsel and the lectures by Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

Creative Thought FORMS

Have you noticed how advertisers use thoughtforms to program your desires? You can use visualization, sound, and geometry to brighten your life and guard your mind and emotions.

The Word - Volume 7

Jesus Christ never stopped speaking to his own - his message did not end with the Book of Revelation. The Word Volume 7 is the mystical revelations of Jesus Christ to Elizabeth Clare Prophet covering the years 1989-1992.

Teachings of the Cosmic Christ-Vol. 1

To restore the thread of contact with the Guru, Maitreya would show you the way. Re-establish the thread of contact with your own Real Self. Enter the path of the Cosmic Christ. Regain the Edenic consciousness. Find your way back Home.

The Maitreya Discourses - Teachings from the Mystery School

24 dictations on the Mystery School by Maitreya, Kuthumi, Gautama Buddha, Mother Mary, and Lanello help you find your keys to anchoring the consciousness of the Cosmic Christ. Maitreya beckons: “Come and Find Me.”

The Mandate of Victory

The Mandate of Victory offers you forty astounding messages by Mighty Victory, unfolding for you the secrets of the Victory Consciousness.