Inner-Active Learning, a guide on right brain education, unlocks your child's talents and genius with engaging games, along with prayers and visualizations.
The Grail mystery teachings by Archangel Gabriel, delivered to Elizabeth Clare Prophet, unlock the mystery of self. A formula for practical self-mastery.
This voyage of self-discovery is Elizabeth Clare Prophet's insightful interpretation of the rites of passage and inner drama hidden in The Odyssey by Homer.
Fallen Angels Among Us shows you how to effect positive change on earth. See behind the world of appearances. Gain a perspective that is profoundly hopeful.
Expanded decree book with page numbers, color images of the masters, chakras, and thoughtforms and an introduction to the science of the spoken word. This is a loose leaf product that requires one of our 3 binders. Search for "Binder" on the home page and you will see 3 different styles. We sell these binders as it is hard to find this size out in the world.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet gently traces upon the heart the pathway that can lead to Buddhahood. This is the second book in the her Mystical Paths series.
Autobiography of Elizabeth Clare Prophet, her views on the struggles and triumphs that helped define her life. An intimate look at a contemporary mystic.